Our Mission

Community Stories

The mothers, children and communities that we’ve met inspire our ideas and, often times, solutions. Every one of them has a story worth sharing.


Im am the aunt. They (3 children) lost both their parents at 2 different times. They have slowly come to realize what their new lives will be. Being selected would not only give them a great surprise as I am unable to afford much for them, but it would also boost their faith. We are taking it day by day but it is really hard to support them and ensure they are keeping up their grades and behavior with my 2 jobs.


(10 month old) He is not my son, but I have had him since 10 days old since my sister left him. I just want him to have everything he needs. I was struggling with my own children and to add diapers and daycare. It is hard.


(4 kids) We lost our apartment and everything in it. It has been a real struggle, even trying to get winter clothes. I cry because I can not give my kids what they want knowing that Christmas is right around the corner. I just want to see a smile on their faces. I lost my carerr due to Covid layoffs and have been working a job just to make ends me.


(3 kids) I am looking for help this Christmas. I recently and unexpectedly became a single mother to my 3 boys. I was a stay at home mom for years before. My middle son is on the spectrum and we could really use a little love this year.


(3 kids) I am a single mother of 3, I lost my mother and father in the last 2 years and feel into depression, how ever my kids saw first hand me slip a little bit and almost give up. My 11 year old said Mom God got us and I will do whatever I can to help.


(6 kids) During the winter storm we lost everything during a fire. I am trying my best to get them the stuff they had, but then in June I lost my job and I am back working but money is spent before I earn it. Christmas time used to be magical but this year im scared it won’t.


(2 kids) I am a single mother with an ill child. My son had 3 surgiers this year, including open hear surgery due to down syndrome. With Medical bills pilling up, rent and food come first. God Bless you.


(4 kids) The children’s father was murdered. It has been hard to pay the bills. He was working and I was stay at home mom. I do work but it is not enough. He life insurance policy paid off our car and the funeral. I am behind on rent and lights. (proof sent)


(2 Kids) Dad left us, I’m a teacher. I donate plasma and clean homes on the weekend to make ends meet. I just want my kids happy.


(6 kids) Mother lost life due domestic violence. Died in front of her children. The oldest hid siblings in car for 2 months from CPS until a family member was approved to care for them. Just need a reason to smile.


(4 kids) Grandmother died, father deported, 2 of 4 children have disabilities. Rough year. God Bless

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